Those curves may give the earlier phone a few extra style points, but when it comes down to functionality and durability, it may lose those points just as quickly. Google opted for a flat display on the Pixel 8 Pro where the Pixel 7 Pro had curved sides on its display. Though the changes are subtle, it’s still apparent that it’s a different phone, even if nothing about the 8 Pro’s design makes it seem like the newer of the two phones. I’ve personally found my year with the Pixel 7 Pro to be quite the stretch for my hands on a regular basis, and the Pixel 8 Pro just keeps that same unwieldiness going.

Google has made a few tweaks to shape and some changes to dimensions that have to be measured down to the millimeter to notice a difference. The update is minor enough that I was able to fit my old Pixel 7 Pro case on the new phone, even if it’s not a perfect match.

The Google Pixel 8 Pro didn’t change much from its predecessor as far as design is concerned.